Services Offered by Northland Recovery Bureau
Involuntary Repossession |
- Immediately upon request we process your order through RDN or a network of your choice. No information will ever be shared with a third party. We then investigate in one of the following skip tracing services:
- Thompson Reuters Clear
- TransUnion TLO
- Your order is processed instantaneously. Our biggest competitor won’t begin to process
your order, voluntary or not, for at least 1-3 DAYS upon receiving your assignment.
- Within 24 hours you are provided with your first in-depth update. Every 48 hours you are
provided with updates until we find and take possession of your collateral. At NRB we
believe in not wasting any time and in most cases we will have possession of your collateral
before other services even have a first glance at the request.
- Your collateral is important to us so we will safely transport to your designated location.
- Our state-of-the-art facility provides every service under one roof--from recovery to reconditioning
to resale.
Small enough for immediate response, big enough to get the job done!
DRN cameras search and track down your assets. Most recoveries happen within the same day. Our professional staff ensures you will recover your asset(s) in the safest manner possible. |
We use skip tracing services to track down your assets. Your debtors are treated with the highest level of respect at all times. |
We use national Database Networks to monitor your assets. Our equipment is 2020 or newer. Our agents follow strict guidelines
when in the field. |